Much to Catch Up On
It has been way too hectic at home and at work right now. It's been almost a month since the last update. I had to look back at the last blog posts about what was covered to see what all was missed.
Frankly, I'm falling behind quite a bit. We got into navigation. There's no easy way to explain what all you need to know about that. In addition to the classroom, I'm also looking up YouTube videos and other outside sources. The material is getting much more complex. Many calculations and formulas are used, memorization is key. Much of the new information is building off of the old information (which is expected).
To be honest, I'm overwhelmed a bit. I'm spending today going back through the book and memorizing/refreshing myself with as much information as I can before going forward. I took a week off during the time using the E6B calculator to take the family to Florida. I really, REALLY, hate that I missed those two classes. That was vital information.
So, this won't have much information in it. We're done with the book. I've gone through everything. I still haven't gotten in the air yet. Money is still a very real concern as far as that goes. In all likelihood, I still think I'm going to get a high enough score on the exam in class next Tuesday to be signed off to take the real written exam.
I'll probably post one more time to reveal how I did, and then there's likely to be a gap between the end of written/knowledge portion and the practical (flying) part. I'll update as that goes.
For what it's worth, I did update the Materials page. The E6B flight computer makes more sense, but I still need to practice with it a bit more. Also, the navigational plotter is very straight forward. Details are on the Materials page.
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