Below are the items I received when I got to the first class. I'll update descriptions as I get them.
This is the E6B flight computer. Pretty much, this is used for conversions. Very awesome tool. There are youtube videos in abundance to show how this works, so I won't go into extreme detail, but basically, it's a very awesome wheel that spins to convert nautical miles to statute miles, gallons per hour, distance, time, etc. Dozens of applications, really.
The Navigational Plotter looks like a protractor attached to a scale. Basically, the protractor part tells the angle of a course. you line up two points on the straight edge that you're flying from and to, and the protractor tells you the actual course (not including any wind variation, deviations, etc.) The scale part of it just measures miles on a standard-scaled chart.
Okay, there are two books. The one above is a very detailed text for the Pilot. The text below is a more condensed version of the one above, and with practice tests. We're using both together.
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